“It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or addictive behavior.”

- Gabor Maté


Substance use and addiction are a worldwide epidemic like nothing ever experienced in the history of mankind. Modern life, stress, trauma, emotional and psychological wounds… the reasons people look for relief in substance use are many, but the underlying issue is the same: suffering. Broken minds, broken homes, broken hearts; the toll of substance use and addiction can be devastating, yet shame and stigma keep many from seeking help.


At Ohana Recovery you will find a home to feel love and support.


To the one suffering or the family member bearing witness to a loved one’s suffering, we are here for you. We understand the struggle and have a passion for helping people find their path out of the darkness, just as others helped find ours. We understand there are many ways to freedom, but one thing that cannot be avoided is the exploration under the surface of substance use and addiction to find the reasons fueling the behaviors.  


If you are struggling, know that there is no judgment or stigma associated with substance use and addiction at Ohana Recovery; only a sincere desire to help stop the suffering so every addict or problem user and their loved ones can experience the joys and passions that life has to offer.  Regardless of how many times you’ve tried in the past, recovery is possible.



“Fall down seven times, Get up eight.”

- Japanese Proverb